AI meetup (San Diego): AI, LLMs, and ML

Feb 27, 05:00 PM PST. Add to calendar: Google | Yahoo
  • Google, 6420 Sequence Dr, San Diego, CA 92121 AICamp
  • 27 RSVP

Welcome to the generative AI and LLMs meetup in San Diego, in collaboration with Google Cloud San Diego Meetup . Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI, GenAI, LLMs, RAG, Agent and machine learning. Food and drink will be provided and networking with speakers and fellow developers.

- 5:00pm~5:30pm: Checkin, food/drink and networking
- 5:30pm~5:40pm: Welcome, Community update
- 5:40pm~7:00pm: Tech talks and Q&A

Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules. If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: Submit Topics

Google, 6420 Sequence Dr, San Diego, CA 92121

We are actively seeking sponsors to support AI developers community.  Whether it is by offering venue spaces, providing food, or cash sponsorship. Sponsors will not only speak at the meetups, receive prominent recognition, but also gain exposure to our extensive membership base of 4,000+ AI developers in San Diego or 450K+ worldwide.

Community on Slack/Discord
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (search and join the #sandiego channel) | Join Discord

*By RSVP, you submit information to event hosts, who will email you regarding events and services. You can opt-out from the emails at any time. Privacy Policy/GDPR.

Contact Organizer