Welcome to the AI meetup event in Boston, in collaboration with InterSystems. Join us to learn the latest trends, tools, and features to Innovate on Health Data.
Delicious food, beverages, and networking opportunities will be provided as always. Join Discord channel to connect with developers from the InterSystems developer ecosystem.
Tech Talk: Deep dive on RAG and AI Hallucinations
Speaker: Thomas Dyar (InterSystems)
Tech Talk: Leveraging AI to Transform Audio Data for Improved Clinical Outcomes in Healthcare
Speaker: Vishal Pallerla (InterSystems)
Abstract: Explore how AI can elevate audio data processing and enhance patient interactions by analyzing doctor-patient conversations, summarizing key points, and extracting insights for improved clinical decision-making and patient care.
CIC Venture Café, One Broadway, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142
Community on Slack/Discord
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (search and join the #boston channel) | Join Discord