AI workshop (San Francisco): Building Realtime Multimodal AI Agent

Oct 30, 05:00 PM PDT
  • AWS Loft, 525 Market Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 Agora
  • 132 RSVP

Join AICamp and Agora to learn how to create AI agents that can think, listen, see, and interact like humans in real-time!

In this hands-on workshop, you'll explore the TEN framework, experiment with AI services and extensions, and gain the flexibility to build agents for use cases like voice chatbots, AI-generated meeting minutes, language tutors, virtual companions, and more.

Why Attend?
- Learn multimodal AI Agent, OpenAI Realtime API;
- Build your own AI agent from scratch in under an hour;
- Get 1-on-1 consulting and support from the experts;
- Be inspired by live demos showcasing multimodal agents in various scenarios;
- Complete the challenges and win prizes;
- Earn free RTC minutes and contribute to the TEN Agent GitHub repository

- 5:00~5:30pm: Checkin, food and networking
- 5:30~5:50pm: Tech Talk: Multimodal AI agent with the OpenAI Realtime API
- 5:50~6:10pm: Tech Talk: Build voice agent with TEN Framework
- 6:10~8:00pm: Hands-on Workshops
- 8:00: Open discussion, Mixer and Closing.

- Plutoless, cofounder of TEN Framework, advocate of RTE Developer Community
- Lengyue, founder of Fish Audio (Hanabi AI Inc.)

- Bring your laptop (Minimum system requirements: CPU >= 2 Core; RAM >= 4 GB; Docker / Docker Compose; Node.js(LTS) v18.0.0)
- Keys: OpenAI API key: For the latest Realtime API, feel free to use another provider; for other API like gpt 4o, STT and TTS, we Agora App ID and App Certificate (certificate is not required); Azure SST and TTS API keys (feel free to use another provider).
- More resources to learn before the workshop:
- Visit the TEN Agent DEMO; Check the README on GitHub

AWS Loft | San Francisco, 525 Market Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105
How to find us: When you arrive, if you reach the lobby entrance, go to the right if you’re facing the building, to the circular water fountain. You’ll see stairs lining the side of the building. Go up these stairs to enter the loft. Driving directions, parking info, car pool, etc.. are in the Discord/Slack.

Community on Slack/Discord
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (search and join the #sanfrancisco channel) | Join Discord

Plutoless, Lengyue

The event ended.

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