Real-time Data Streaming and Processing (NYC)

May 14, 05:30 PM EDT Add to calendar: Google | Yahoo
  • New York Lenses
  • 68 RSVP

Welcome to the AI meetup in New York City, in collaboration with Lenses, Imply. Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI, GenAI, LLMs, ML and Real-time Data Streaming and Processing, with food/drink, networking with speakers and fellow developers.

- 5:30pm~6:00pm: Checkin, food and networking
- 6:10pm~8:00pm: Tech talks and Q&A
- 8:00pm~8:30pm: Open discussion, Mixer and Closing.

Tech Talk: Simplifying Kafka and Troubleshooting data
Speaker: Guillaume Ayme (
Abstract: In this session, we'll present with a real-life example of how we implemented a solution that allows developers to have complete control over their event-driven application (EDA), resulting in lightning-fast delivery of new streaming services and quick troubleshooting of any issues that arise. From fine-tuning data pipelines, troubleshooting data issues, offsetting topics, backing up to S3 and seeing your topics topology to harnessing the power of real-time data, developers and engineers will gain invaluable insights into how optimizes data workflows and enhances operational efficiency. This presentation will offer a rich tapestry of technical knowledge, hands-on demonstrations, and networking opportunities.

Tech Talk: Streaming data meets real-time analytics
Speaker: Zeke Dean (Imply)
Abstract: You’re generating events. Lots of events. You’re using data streaming to reliably move those events between applications. How do you use this streaming data to your best advantage, gaining insights and driving automated decision making?
Imply is the database solution for real-time analytics from the creators of Apache Druid. With high-concurrency subsecond queries of data of any size, combining true stream ingestion with historical batch data, Imply enables fast queries with aggregations and roll-ups while maintaining access to granular data.
In this tech talk, we’ll take a look at the uses of real-time analytics and how it can be used with streaming data.

Celonis, 1 World Trade Center 70th Floor, New York, NY 10006

Community on Slack/Discord
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
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* This event is hosted by our partner: Lenses

Guillaume Ayme, Zeke Dean

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