AI Workshop (Virtual): Distinctive Features with Google Gemini and Vertex AI

Mar 29, 09:00 AM PDT
  • Virtual () AICamp
  • 419 RSVP

In this interactive workshop, we will dive deep into Google family of Gemini models and their distinctive features. The hands-on part of the session will be a step-by-step guide to developing an application using Google AI Studio and Vertex AI. We will build bots using different Gemini models and prompt them to explore the differences in the outputs.

* Part 1: Gemini Models - All you need to know
* Part 2: Building Gemini-powered application using Google AI Studio and Vertex AI
* Part 3: Q&A

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The workshop is hosted by our partner, Rockset.

Ankit Khare (Rockset)

Ankit Khare currently leads the development of the developer relations function at Rockset
The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
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