AI Workshop (Virtual): Real-time chat feed processing with RAG

Feb 16, 09:00 AM PST
  • Virtual () AICamp
  • 483 RSVP

Welcome to the weekly AI virtual seminars. Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI/ML/Data, hands-on experiences on code labs, workshops, and networking with speakers & fellow developers from all over the world.

Join us for a two-hour workshop where we will dive into the world of real-time chat enhancements using advanced AI techniques. We will integrate a live data stream (powered by Bytewax) with a Large Language Model (LLM) and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to supercharge Slack conversations.

This session promises a blend of theory and hands-on practice, equipped with resources and code samples. We will focus on the Python ecosystem and solutions that look friendly and familiar to Pythonistas.

Participants of the workshop will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Zander Matheson (Bytewax), Henrik Nyman (Softlandia), Mikko Lehtimäki (Softlandia)

The workshop is provided and sponsored by Bytewax.

The technical details and full agenda of the workshop: Here

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Zander Matheson, Henrik Nyman, Mikko Lehtimäki

The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
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