AI Meetup (Chicago): Generative AI, LLMs and Vector DB

Nov 16, 05:00 PM CST
  • US-Chicago (Aon Center at 200 E. Randolph St. Suite 3800, Chicago...) AICamp
  • 129 RSVP

Welcome to the monthly in-person AI meetup in Chicago, in collaboration with Slalom.

Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI/ML, food/drink, networking with speakers and fellow developers

* 5:00pm~6:00pm: Checkin, Food/drink and networking
* 6:00pm~8:00pm: Tech talks
* 8:00pm: Q&A, Open discussion & Mixer

Tech Talk 1: Project Spotlight: Product Embeddings & Vector Search
Speaker: James Keightley @Slalom Build
Abstract: Using AI/ML models to create embeddings to represent products in the catalog for a large retailer to drive a vector search solution for their website.

Tech Talk 2: Boost LLMs with Retrieval Augmented Generation
Speaker: Mary Grygleski @DataStax
Abstract: In this talk, we will take a look at how utilizing an event-driven streaming approach, by using the open source library, LangStream, can quickly integrate your existing data in motion into generative AI applications such as with prompt engineering and the RAG pattern.

Tech Talk 3: GenAI - Lessons Learned from Project Experience
Speaker: Matt Houser @Slalom Build
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the architectural considerations of using GenAI in the context of implementing a consumer grade LLM-based solution. We will discuss: History management, Caching - pros / cons, Agents vs. LLM Functions vs. Custom Orchestration: How much do you control procedurally vs. letting the LLM decide how to orchestrate various available tools to generate the best response to the users questions; and Cost considerations and efficient token usage.

Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules. If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: Submit Topics

Aon Center at 200 E. Randolph St. Suite 3800, Chicago, IL 60601.

We are actively seeking sponsors to support AI developers community.  Whether it is by offering venue spaces, providing food, or cash sponsor. Sponsors will have the chance to speak at the meetups, receive prominent recognition, and gain exposure through post-event emails sent to our extensive membership base of 10,000+ local or 300K+ developers worldwide.

Community on Slack
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (browse/search and join #chicago channel)

James Keightley,Mary Grygleski,+

The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
Contact Organizer