AI Meetup (Boston): GenAI, LLMs, ML and Data

Nov 14, 05:30 PM EST
  • US-Boston (Microsoft New England – 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge,...) AICamp
  • 110 RSVP

Welcome to the monthly in-person AI meetup in Boston, in collaboration with Microsoft. Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI/ML, food/drink, networking with speakers & fellow developers

* 5:00pm~5:50pm: Checkin, Food/drink and networking
* 5:50pm~6:00pm: Welcome/community update
* 6:00pm~8:30pm: Tech talks
* 8:30pm: Q&A, Open discussion

Tech Talk 1: GenAI Applications in Large Hospitals
Speaker: Dan Elton @Mass General Brigham
Abstract: This talk will focus on applications of multimodal foundation models in healthcare. Pretrained multimodal foundation models like GPT-4 have many advantages such as lower training data needs, natural language interaction, ability to provide uncertainty information, and greater flexibility. A rapid survey of possible use cases in healthcare will be presented. I will also discuss research I have been focused on for the past few years on how deep learning based segmentation models can make radiology more quantitative and can unlock biomarkers from medical images that are useful for risk prediction.

Tech Talk 2: Vector Embeddings: The Power Behind Today AI
Speaker: Pawel Zimoch @Featrix
Abstract: Vector embeddings are becoming a big deal in machine learning, and for good reason. They are a key part of making sense of all kinds of data—from the words we write to the images we see. In this talk, we will break down what vector embeddings are and why they matter. We will start by looking at how these embeddings are shaking things up in familiar areas like text and images, where they help us build smarter and more efficient AI models. Think of Google BERT that understands our sentences, or OpenAI systems that can dream up new images. We will walk you through how these embeddings are put together, what makes them tick, and the cool stuff they can do.

Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules. If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: Submit Topics

We are actively seeking sponsors to support our community. Whether it is by offering venue spaces, providing food/drink, or cash sponsor. Sponsors will have the chance to speak at the meetups, receive prominent recognition, and gain exposure to our extensive membership base of 8,000+ local or 300K+ developers worldwide.

Microsoft New England – 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142
Conf Room: Horace Mann

Community Partners:
Contact us if you are interested in partnership.
- Microsoft: Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Every day, the innovative technology we create here takes that mission to new and exciting places and impacts the lives of millions of people around the world.

Community on Slack
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (browse channels and join #boston channel)

Pawel Zimoch,Dan Elton,+

The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
Contact Organizer