AI Meetup (Chicago): Innovating Responsibly with ML and Data Science in Financial Services

Oct 18, 05:30 PM CDT
  • Chicago Discover
  • 117 RSVP

Welcome to the monthly in-person AI meetup in Chicago, in collaboration with Discover.

Join us for a deep dive into the different facets of Artificial intelligence/Machine Learning and Data Science in financial services at Discover "606" Chicago office! Learn more about how we are innovating responsibly and applying these emerging technologies to the work we do every day at Discover in a series of lightning talks. Additionally, attend for the chance to network with Data Science talent across the Chicago-land area while enjoying good food and beverages and taking away some awesome swag.

* 5:30pm~6:00pm: Checkin, Food/drink and networking
* 6:00pm~7:00pm: Tech talks
* 7:00pm: Open discussion & Mixer

Tech Talk 1: Machine Learning in Fraud Detection and Anti-Money-Laundry at DFS
Speaker: Ben Zhang @Discover
Abstract:At Discover, ML plays a crucial role in fortifying fraud detection and anti-money laundering efforts. Attend this talk to learn how we harness advanced algorithms and data analytics to create effective ML models that can scrutinize intricate transaction patterns and swiftly pinpoint deviations and potential instances of fraud. In turn, these models continuously learn from historical data, adapting to emerging threats and evolving tactics. Find out how through the integration of ML, DFS strengthens its ability to identify and mitigate fraudulent activities, safeguard its financial ecosystem and promote secure transactions.

Tech Talk 2: Responsible AI in Financial Sector
Speaker: Arjun Ravi Kannan @Discover
Abstract:Join us as we explore the evolution of ML methodologies and discuss the importance of explainability of bias quantification and mitigation in financial services. Our conversation will begin with a brief background of various regulations in financial services and how utilizing ML creates new challenges in this space. Following this, we will have an in-depth discussion on research methods developed by Discover to address these challenges. At the conclusion of this session, you will understand how the approaches developed by Discover can be applied broadly to other areas that use ML models, such as healthcare.

Tech Talk 3: Machine Learning Platform: Why they are important for Data and Decision Science
Speaker: Shannon Schultz @Discover
Abstract:Sit in on this technology focused talk on how automation and scalability are key to the successful implementation of decisions that create value across our organization. During this session, we will cover why leveraging a platform approach is key in the financial industry.

Tech Talk 4: Technical Innovation in Financial Services
Speaker: Jonathan Stoyko @Technology Capabilities & Innovation (TCI) of Discover
Abstract: Especially at a large company in the financial industry, being innovative can feel like a tall order. You are a technical expert, you have great ideas, you have built some cool stuff on your own time, but how do you realize those ideas to transform your day to day? At Discover, we strive to leverage innovation to transform our products, the way we work, and improve the employee experience. Come learn from a few quick innovation success stories, and walk away with a framework for the next step in your innovation journey

Discover 606, 350 W Wolf Point Plaza ยท Chicago, IL

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Ben Zhang,Shannon Schultz,+

The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
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