AI Meetup (Paris): Generative AI and LLMs

Oct 19, 06:00 PM CEST
  • Paris (France) AICamp
  • 68 RSVP

Welcome to our monthly in-person AI meetup in Paris. Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI/ML, food/drink, networking with speakers & fellow developers, and win lucky draw prizes.

* 6:00pm~6:30pm: Checkin, Food/drink and networking
* 6:30pm~6:40pm: Welcome/community update
* 6:40pm~8:30pm: Tech talks
* 8:30pm~9:00pm: Q&A, Open discussion

Tech Talk 1: Building a Petabyte-Scale Vector Store: Powering Future AGI
Speaker: Cedrick Lunven @Datastax
Abstract: A laptop proof of concept won’t cut it for this impending era of generative AI. Let’s dig into the mechanics of building and using a petabyte-scale vector store and the future of handling data in generative AI models. This talk will focus on the work in the Apache Cassandra® project to develop a vector store capable of handling petabytes of data, discussing why this capacity is critical for future AI applications. I will also connect how this pertains to the exciting new generation of AI technologies like Improved Large Language Models (LLMs), Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and Forward-Looking Active Retrieval Augmented Generation (FLARE) that all contribute to the growing need for such scalable solutions. Finally, we’ll discuss the importance of planning for future scalability and how to effectively manage AI agents in this new age of data.

Tech Talk 2: Generative AI in practice: Concrete LLM use cases in Java, with the PaLM API
Speaker: Guillaume Laforge @Google Cloud
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are a powerful new technology that can be used for a variety of tasks, including generating text, translating languages, and writing different kinds of creative content. However, LLMs can be difficult to use, especially for developers who are not proficient in Python, the lingua franca for AI. So what about us Java developers? How can we make use of Generative AI?
This presentation will go through how to use LLMs in Java without the need for Python. We will use the PaLM API, provided by Google Cloud Vertex AI services, to perform a variety of tasks, such as searching through documentation, generating kids stories, summarizing content, extracting keywords or entities, and more.

Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules. If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: Submit Topics

Espace saint-martin, 199 bis Rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris

We are actively seeking sponsors to support AI developers community.  Whether it is by offering venue spaces, providing food, or cash sponsor. Sponsors will have the chance to speak at the meetups, receive prominent recognition, and gain exposure through post-event emails sent to our extensive membership base of 8,000+ local or 300K+ developers worldwide.

Lucky draw
We will raffle winners for prizes during the event. To enter the lucky draw, "comment" the post on LinkedIn: LinkedIn Post

Community on Slack
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (search and join the #paris channel)

Cedrick Lunven, Guillaume Laforge

Cedrick is a passionate Java Developer and an active contributor to open-source software projects such as FF4j and Langchain4j. Serving as a Developer Advocate and Software Engineer at DataStax, he avidly shares his fervor for AI and databases through presentations at conferences and various events. When not traveling, Cedrick focuses on crafting intuitive tools for developers, including SDKs and CLIs, ensuring seamless integration of DataStax within the broader ecosystem.
The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
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