Global AI Dev Day - Bangalore

Oct 07, 10:00 AM IST
  • India-Bangalore (Microsoft Reactor, Vigyan Ground Floor, 9, Lavel...) AICamp
  • 383 RSVP

Join us for a power-packed day of learning, sharing, and networking at AI Dev Day - Bangalore, in collaboration with Microsoft Reactor and DataStax. We are excited to bring the AI developer community together to learn and discuss the latest trends, practical experiences, and best practices in the field of AI, LLMs, generative AI, and machine learning.

In addition to the tech talks, there will be plenty of opportunities to network with AI developers, live demos by AI startups, panel discussion, and career opportunities.

* 10:00am~10:30am: Checkin, Snacks and Networking
* 10:30am~10:40am: Welcome/community update/Sponsor intro
* 10:40am~12:30pm: Tech talks
* 12:30pm~13:30pm: Open discussion, Food and Networking

Tech Talk 1: AI-driven language processing with Vector Search and Apache Cassandra
Speaker: Erick Ramirez @Datastax
Abstract: ChatGPT opened the world to the significant advancement in natural language processing. Asking it questions as if talking to another human, it is able to deduce semantics and context to return relevant information. What if there was a way to retrieve data from your database not with SQL or SQL-like queries but with plain English questions? With a vector database like Cassandra, you can!
With vector search, data objects are transformed into embeddings – vector representations in a high-dimensional space. The embeddings capture the semantic essence of data, enabling more nuanced searches. A vector search retrieves objects which are semantically-related, with an understanding of the context and meaning.
Learn how to perform vector searches on your data out-of-the-box with Cassandra.

Tech Talk 2: Building AI apps with Semantic Kernel
Speaker: Vivek Sridhar @Microsoft
Abstract: Semantic Kernel is an open-source SDK that integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, and Hugging Face with conventional programming languages like C#, Python, and Java. Semantic Kernel achieves this by allowing you to define plugins that can be chained together in just a few lines of code.
However, Semantic Kernel ability to automatically orchestrate plugins with AI makes it unique. With Semantic Kernel planners, you can ask an LLM to generate a plan that achieves a user unique goal. Afterwards, Semantic Kernel will execute the plan for the user.
This talk will focus on how to build an AI solution with Semantic Kernel.

Lightning Talk: AI in Healthcare
Speaker: Badari Burli @Suki AI
Abstract: At Suki, we are exploring cutting edge technologies such as LLMs and Graph mining to provide better clinical decision support. In this talk, I want to share some of the potential applications of technologies in healthcare and concrete use cases.

Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules. If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: Submit Topics

Microsoft Reactor Bengaluru Vigyan Ground Floor, 9, Lavelle Road, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001

Lucky draw
We will raffle winners for prizes during the event. To enter the lucky draw, comment the post on LinkedIn: LinkedIn Post


  • Microsoft Reactor
  • DataStax
  • We are actively seeking sponsors to support our AI developers community. Sponsors will receive speaking opportunities, sponsor recognition, and post-event emails to our vast membership base of 10k+ in Boston or 250K+ developers in global. Contact us for details.

    Community on Slack
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    - Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
    Join Slack (search and join the #bangalore channel)

    3+ speakers

    The event ended.
    Watch Recording
    *Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
    Contact Organizer