AI Meetup (Amsterdam): Generative AI, LLMs and Image Generation

Oct 03, 05:30 PM CEST
  • Netherlands-Amsterdam (ML6 Amsterdam, Geldersekade 101e, 1011 EM ...) AICamp
  • 57 RSVP

Welcome to our in-person monthly AI meetup in Amsterdam, in collaboration with ML6. Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI/ML, food/drink, networking with speakers & peers developers

* 5:30pm~6:00pm: Checkin, food/drink, and networking
* 6:00pm~6:10pm: Welcome/community update
* 6:10pm~7:45pm: Tech talks
* 7:45pm: Open discussion, Mixer

Tech Talk 1: Developing a Large-scale Creative Commons Dataset for Image Generation
Speaker: Sharon Grundmann, ML Engineer Manager @ML6
Abstract:In January 2023, Getty Images sued Stability AI for training Stable Diffusion on over 12 million of their copyrighted images. This is a recurrent problem with foundation models which are trained on vast image datasets from the Internet, which often include copyrighted content.
In this talk, we will present our solution to this problem – building a large-scale dataset of Creative Commons licensed images. We will dive into the challenges and how we leverage Fondant, an open-source framework that democratises data preparation for foundation models, to realise this.

Tech Talk 2: Enter the Brave New World of GenAI with Vector Search
Speaker: Mary Grygleski @DataStax
Abstract: We will go over the history and evolution of AI and ML, then look at how it has evolved to where it is today. We will touch upon as many new concepts that have popped up in the last 6-9 months, which include: Generative AI (GenAI), ChatGPT, Large Language Models (LLMs), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Vector DB, and the growing importance of Vector Search. We will also point out the new operational concerns when it comes to managing the life-cycle of a machine learning environment. We will then look at a demo on how Vector Search is being done behind the scenes. We will discuss the benefits of this new wave of technology as well as the challenges that it brings to the industry and the marketplace.

ML6 Amsterdam
Geldersekade 101e, 1011 EM Amsterdam, Netherlands Google Map

Community on Slack
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
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Sharon Grundmann, Mary Grygleski

Sharon Grundmann
Sharon is a Machine Learning Engineer at ML6 with interests in NLP and Ethical AI. She holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from Delft University of Technology where she still collaborates on research for social good.
The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
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