Global AI Dev Day - NYC

Sep 28, 04:30 PM EDT
  • US-New York (Microsoft NYC - Times Square, 11 Times Square, New Y...) AICamp
  • 276 RSVP

Join us for a power-packed night of learning, sharing, and networking at AI Dev Day - New York City. We are excited to bring the AI developer community together to learn and discuss the latest trends, practical experiences, and best practices in the field of AI, LLMs, generative AI, and machine learning.

In addition to the tech talks, there will be plenty of opportunities to network with AI developers, live demos by AI startups, panel discussion, and career opportunities.

- 5:00pm~5:50pm: Checkin, food/drink and networking
- 6:00pm~8:00pm: Tech talks, demos, and panel
- 8:00pm: Q&A, open discussion and mixer
- 8:30pm: Head to bar nearby

Tech Talk 1: Real Time Recommendations with Vector Search
Speaker: Aaron Ploetz @Datastax
Abstract: Are you building or do you support an e-commerce website? If so, then this session is for you! Worldwide digital sales in 2021 eclipsed five trillion dollars (USD). Most consumers will leave a web page or a mobile app if it takes longer than a few seconds to load. Businesses that want to compete, need a high performing e-commerce website. In this session, we will cover how to architect a simple and high-performing product recommendation service using Vector Search and generative AI. Join us and learn how to leverage the following tech to your advantage: Java Spring Boot - OAuth - Distributed databases (Cassandra/AstraDB) - Vector Search - Cloud Native Streaming (Pulsar)

Tech Talk 2: The modern LLM Stack a Demo Architecture
Speaker: Jonathan Pedoeem, @PromptLayer
Abstract: In this talk, I will go over a demo RAG application and talk about different tools and applications that cutting edge teams are using

Tech Talk 3: Build with AI in a Privacy First Approach
Speaker: Sumant Shringari @Pontus
Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are being used across all product features and being experiment across industries. Yet, it is still software. Standard tenants of privacy obligated by regulations must still followed (1) Right to Rectification, (2) Right to be forgotten, and (3) Right to fair treatment. However, LLM models pose a new difficulty in following these principles. In this talk, we will discuss how to use LLMs in a privacy safe manner through techniques of tokenization, data masking, and more.

Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules.
If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: Submit Topics

Microsoft NYC - Times Square, 11 Times Square, New York, NY 10036
Room Name: Central Park West 6501

Lucky draw
We will raffle winners for prizes during the event. To enter the lucky draw, "comment" the post on LinkedIn: LinkedIn Post

We are actively seeking sponsors to support our AI developers community. Sponsors will receive speaking opportunities, sponsor recognition, and post-event emails to our vast membership base of 20k+ in New York or 250K+ developers in global. Contact us for details.

Community on Slack
- Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
- Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
Join Slack (search and join the #nyc channel)

Community Partners:
Contact us if you are interested in partnership.

Aaron Ploetz,+

The event ended.
Watch Recording
*Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
Contact Organizer