Monthly ML Meetup: ML and Data Processes at Scale

Jan 26, 06:00 PM PST
  • Seattle AICamp
  • 89 RSVP

Welcome to our in-person monthly ML meetup in Seattle. Join us for deep dive tech talks on AI/ML, food/drink, networking with speakers&peers developers, and win lucky draw prizes.

Agenda (PST):
* 6:00pm~6:30pm: Checkin, Food/drink and networking
* 6:30pm~6:40pm: Welcome/community update/Sponsor intro
* 6:40pm~8:00pm: Tech talks
* 8:00pm~8:30pm: Lucky draw & Mingle

Tech Talk 1: Kubernetes-native Workflow Automation Platform ML and Data Processes at Scale
Speaker: Eduardo Apolinario, engineering manager
Abstract: Flyte is a distributed processing platform that enables highly concurrent, scalable, and maintainable workflows. It is a fabric that connects disparate computation backends using a type-safe data dependency graph. In this talk we are going to give a tour of Flyte, exploring its approach to the problem of authoring ML and Data pipelines, including details about the programming model and the different extension points..

Tech Talk 2: Scaling your team with collaborative ML Development
Speaker: Jon Peck, @GitHub
Abstract: Now that we have seen how to scale your pipelines, let us talk about scaling your team. From model-building to release, your pipelines will involve a wide variety of roles: data scientists, app developers, test & release engineers... and they all need to work together safely and smoothly. Learn how GitHub combines config-as-code, centrally versioned notebooks, cloud IDEs, and PR-time model evaluation to collaboratively build and deploy ML.

Microsoft Reactor Redmond
3709 157th Ave NE, Redmond, WA
Free parking

Lucky draw
We will raffle winners for prizes during the event. To enter the lucky draw, please complete one of the two steps (or both):

  • Twitter the event with hashtag #aicampseattle and tag @aicampai. For example:
  • #aicampseattle Join the monthly ML meetup in Seattle by @aicampai to learn AI, ML, Data and Cloud technology with tech leads and industry experts. Free join in person:
  • Comment the post on LinkedIn: LinkedIn Post
  • Community on Slack
    - Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
    - Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
    Join Slack

    Eduardo Apolinario

    The event ended.
    Watch Recording
    *Recordings hosted on Youtube, click the link will open the Youtube page.
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